Sunday, November 12, 2006

Team Stats by Player

These stats indicate the performance by Duke while the particular player is on the court. Through Michigan:

Off. Poss.

Def. Poss.
Nelson 475.00
Nelson 471.00
Scheyer 444.00
Scheyer 445.00
Singler 432.00
Singler 428.00
Paulus 421.00
Paulus 415.00
Henderson 402.00
Henderson 394.00
Thomas 340.00
Thomas 338.00
Smith 250.00
Smith 255.00
King 241.00
King 241.00
Zoubek 193.00
Zoubek 196.00
Pocius 60.00
Pocius 61.00
McClure 38.00
McClure 43.00
Davidson 16.00
Davidson 19.00

O Rating

D Rating
Davidson 168.75
King 77.18
King 131.12
Henderson 77.41
Pocius 123.33
Paulus 82.41
Scheyer 122.52
Zoubek 82.65
Smith 118.40
Singler 84.11
Paulus 118.05
Thomas 85.50
Singler 116.90
Nelson 86.84
Zoubek 115.54
Scheyer 87.64
Henderson 115.17
Smith 87.84
Nelson 113.89
Pocius 90.16
McClure 113.16
Davidson 94.74
Thomas 110.00
McClure 116.28


Davidson 1.61
Davidson 0.81
King 1.26
Zoubek 0.88
Scheyer 1.25
King 0.89
Smith 1.24
Henderson 0.91
Singler 1.21
Paulus 0.93
Henderson 1.19
Thomas 0.95
Pocius 1.19
Scheyer 0.95
Paulus 1.19
Smith 0.96
McClure 1.19
Singler 0.97
Nelson 1.17
Nelson 0.97
Thomas 1.17
Pocius 1.18
Zoubek 1.16
McClure 1.24


Opp. EFG%
Davidson 0.923
Davidson 0.342
King 0.616
Zoubek 0.389
Scheyer 0.606
King 0.419
Smith 0.606
Henderson 0.428
McClure 0.600
Paulus 0.437
Singler 0.580
Smith 0.451
Pocius 0.566
Scheyer 0.453
Paulus 0.563
Thomas 0.460
Zoubek 0.558
Singler 0.461
Henderson 0.557
Nelson 0.462
Nelson 0.554
Pocius 0.561
Thomas 0.552
McClure 0.571


Opp. A/B%
Davidson 70.00
McClure 41.18
Pocius 66.67
Pocius 42.11
King 60.75
Zoubek 43.64
Scheyer 57.22
Smith 47.50
Smith 56.07
Nelson 49.06
Henderson 54.43
Singler 49.28
Paulus 53.80
Davidson 50.00
Nelson 53.68
Scheyer 50.68
Zoubek 52.50
Paulus 53.38
Thomas 51.94
King 56.34
Singler 50.54
Thomas 56.76
McClure 47.06
Henderson 57.39


Opp. ORB%
Pocius 51.61
Pocius 21.74
Zoubek 43.62
Singler 25.96
King 39.50
Paulus 27.01
Smith 38.32
Henderson 27.04
Nelson 37.78
Thomas 28.98
Singler 36.73
King 29.37
Scheyer 36.14
Nelson 30.38
Paulus 35.96
Scheyer 31.22
Henderson 34.41
Smith 32.85
Thomas 32.70
Zoubek 33.64
Davidson 28.57
McClure 50.00
McClure 25.00
Davidson 53.85


Opp. DRB%
Pocius 78.26
Pocius 48.39
Singler 74.04
Zoubek 56.38
Paulus 72.99
King 60.50
Henderson 72.96
Smith 61.68
Thomas 71.02
Nelson 62.22
King 70.63
Singler 63.27
Nelson 69.62
Scheyer 63.86
Scheyer 68.78
Paulus 64.04
Smith 67.15
Henderson 65.59
Zoubek 66.36
Thomas 67.30
McClure 50.00
Davidson 71.43
Davidson 46.15
McClure 75.00


Opp. Block%
King 10.22
Davidson 0.00
Henderson 10.03
Paulus 5.11
Pocius 9.76
Singler 5.22
Zoubek 9.49
Thomas 5.22
Scheyer 9.14
Henderson 5.56
Thomas 8.39
Pocius 5.66
Smith 8.33
Nelson 5.79
Paulus 7.81
King 6.16
Singler 7.53
Scheyer 6.35
Nelson 6.58
Smith 6.90
McClure 5.71
Zoubek 7.32
Davidson 5.26
McClure 10.00

A/T Ratio

Opp. A/T Ratio
Davidson 3.50
Pocius 0.40
King 1.76
Zoubek 0.50
McClure 1.33
Smith 0.58
Scheyer 1.30
McClure 0.58
Pocius 1.23
Henderson 0.58
Paulus 1.21
King 0.59
Smith 1.11
Singler 0.61
Singler 1.09
Nelson 0.64
Henderson 1.08
Scheyer 0.69
Nelson 1.06
Paulus 0.69
Zoubek 0.98
Thomas 0.73
Thomas 0.94
Davidson 1.00

Turnover %

Turnover %
Davidson 12.50
Pocius 32.79
King 15.35
Henderson 28.68
McClure 15.79
King 28.22
Paulus 18.05
McClure 27.91
Scheyer 18.47
Singler 26.17
Henderson 19.90
Smith 25.88
Singler 19.91
Nelson 25.69
Nelson 20.21
Thomas 25.44
Thomas 20.88
Paulus 24.82
Smith 21.60
Zoubek 24.49
Pocius 21.67
Scheyer 24.27
Zoubek 22.28
Davidson 15.79

Eff. Margin

Davidson 74.01

King 53.94

Henderson 37.76

Paulus 35.64

Scheyer 34.88

Pocius 33.17

Zoubek 32.89

Singler 32.79

Smith 30.56

Nelson 27.06

Thomas 24.50

McClure -3.12

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