Sunday, November 25, 2007

Shot Selection

At the end of last season, I took a look at Duke's shot distribution, and their success with each "type" of shot. The shots we have are 3pointer, dunk, layup, tip-in, and 2-point jumper. I noted that FG% on 2-point jumpers is usually bad (worse even than on 3pt shots), and thus teams should look to maximize dunks, layups, tip-ins, and 3s. Here's how Duke players (and the team as a whole) are dividing up their shots, and how they're doing on those shots (current through Michigan):

2M 2A
3M 3A
Henderson 46 99 46.5 39 82 47.6 7 17 41.2 9 11 81.8 9 24 37.5

Nelson 39 84 46.4 31 62 50.0 8 22 36.4 8 10 80.0 15 27 55.6

Singler 41 72 56.9 31 46 67.4 10 26 38.5 3 3 100.0 22 29 75.9 2 2 100.0
King 34 68 50.0 11 19 57.9 23 49 46.9 1 1 100.0 6 6 100.0 1 1 100.0
Scheyer 29 60 48.3 15 32 46.9 14 28 50.0

#DIV/0! 4 10 40.0 1 1 100.0
Paulus 27 58 46.6 9 19 47.4 18 39 46.2

#DIV/0! 6 7 85.7

Smith 19 39 48.7 15 26 57.7 4 13 30.8 2 2 100.0 11 20 55.0

Thomas 16 28 57.1 16 28 57.1

#DIV/0! 5 5 100.0 9 14 64.3
1 0.0
Zoubek 15 24 62.5 15 24 62.5

1 0.0 11 14 78.6 2 2 100.0
Pocius 5 13 38.5 3 5 60.0 2 8 25.0 1 1 100.0 1 2 50.0
1 0.0
Davidson 1 2 50.0 1 1 100.0
1 0.0



McClure 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0


#DIV/0! 1 1 100.0


273 548 49.8 187 345 54.2 86 203 42.4 29 34 85.3 95 154 61.7 6 8 75.0


Henderson 18 35 51.4 18 35 51.4 21 47 44.7 37 88 42.0 28 64 43.8

Nelson 23 37 62.2 23 37 62.2 8 25 32.0 31 74 41.9 16 47 34.0

Singler 25 32 78.1 27 34 79.4 4 12 33.3 38 69 55.1 14 38 36.8

King 7 7 100.0 8 8 100.0 3 11 27.3 33 67 49.3 26 60 43.3

Scheyer 4 10 40.0 5 11 45.5 10 21 47.6 29 60 48.3 24 49 49.0

Paulus 6 7 85.7 6 7 85.7 3 12 25.0 27 58 46.6 21 51 41.2

Smith 13 22 59.1 13 22 59.1 2 4 50.0 17 37 45.9 6 17 35.3

Thomas 14 19 73.7 14 20 70.0 2 8 25.0 11 23 47.8 2 8 25.0

Zoubek 11 15 73.3 13 17 76.5 2 7 28.6 15 23 65.2 2 7 28.6

Pocius 2 3 66.7 2 4 50.0 1 1 100.0 4 12 33.3 3 9 33.3

Davidson 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 1 1 100.0 1 2 50.0 1 2 50.0

McClure 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 1 1 100.0 0 0 #DIV/0!

124 188 66.0 130 196 66.3 57 149 38.3 244 514 47.5 143 352 40.6

Here's a glossary for the categories:
FG - all field goals
2 - all 2-point field goals
3 - 3-point field goals
D - dunks
L - layups
T - tip-ins
DL - dunks and layups
DLT - dunks, layups, and tip-ins
O2 - all 2 point field goals that aren't dunks, layups, or tip-ins (broadly referred to as 2-point jumpers)
ND - all non-dunks
J - all jumpers (O2+3)

So far, Duke's distribution is 37.0% 3s, 35.8% DLT, and 27.2% other twos.


Michael said...

I know Duke's 2pFG% in the first 6 games has increased from about 53% to about 57%, but I wonder how much of that is related to shot selection? Do you have similar numbers for the team last year after 6 games?

Good stuff.

Michael said...

er, I meant it has improved since last year after 6 games.